We are experiencing intermittant outages with our Parcel and Mobile Home Inquiry tool. We are working closely with our vendor to remedy the situation.
If you need copies of the amounts paid for Real Estate or Mobile Home Taxes, please email our office: treasurer@co.st-clair.il.us
Thank you for your patience while we work to find a solution.
The Treasurer’s Office is responsible to safeguard, maintain and invest more than $185 million in County funds.
Our commitment is to provide excellence in public services. The St. Clair County Treasurer’s office exists simply as a resource which enables the public to benefit from the tax dollars they are required to pay.
Our goals include:
- Maintaining professional courtesy and integrity
- Having a proactive attitude in raising technical or business related issues
- Insuring that all County money is secure, liquid as needed and invested at a fair market or higher rate
- Holding all tax money prior to distribution at fair market or higher rates
- Providing more information about property tax exemptions, programs and procedures.