Mapping & Platting

General Information

Mapping & Platting is responsible for:

  • Approving legal descriptions on all deeds before recording in the Recorder of Deeds Office.
  • Enforce division regulations found in the Plat act. The act can be found in the Illinois State Plat Act (765 ILCS 205/1).
  • Maintain mailing addresses, property addresses, owner names, deed information, etc. in the St. Clair County tax data base. This is the data base responsible for the creating of property tax bill that is mailed every year.
  • Creation of parcel numbers and the redrawing of county maps due to divisions, consolidations, subdivisions, etc.
  • Creations and sale of custom maps using GIS data.
  • Julie information.

Department Tools

Additional Information

Arial and Tax maps

Mapping and Platting creates and maintains property maps of St. Clair County. Maps are created using information obtained from the St. Clair County Recorder of Deeds, 911 and County Clerk. Aerial and tax maps are available to purchase in the Mapping and Platting Office located on the 5th floor of the St. Clair County Building.

Mailing Address Changes

​Mapping and Platting is responsible for maintaining names and address changes in the St. Clair County database. If a mailing address is not correct on a notice or a Property Tax Bill, contact this office to have it corrected. A parcel number of the property or the property address is requireed. It is the taxpayer's responsibility to notify this office of any change of address or error on the bills and notices. Contact:

Address Change Form
This form requires a signature, you can either mail it or scan the signed form and email it:

E-mail at: Telephone: 618-277-6600 ext 2524
Mail: St. Clair County
10 Public Square
Belleville, IL 62220
ATTN: Mapping and Platting

Mine Subsidence

​For information about the locations of mines contact:
Illinois State Geological Survey
615 E. Peabody Dr.
Champaign, Il. 217-333-3222.

Parcel Consolidation

Tax payers with multiple property tax bills can consolidate their bills into one bill. To consolidate tax bills all parcels must be in the same name, the bills are for adjoining properties and are in the same taxing district and there is only one house or living unit in the consolidation. All prior taxes must be paid.

Please contact the Mapping & Platting Department at 618-825-2705 for more information.

Property Division Guidelines

The following requirements are for splitting a parcel or parcels without doing a Subdivision Plat (see Plat Act). Be sure to check with our Zoning office, as there building permit requirements may differ.


  1. Must be at least 5.00 acres.
  2. Must have public road frontage. the new parcel and the remaining portion of original parcel must each have 50 feet of public road frontage.


  1. In a recorded subdivision, divisions of lots or blocks of less than one acre  can be made provided it does not involve any new streets or easements or access.
  2. The conveyance of land for railroad right of way or other public utility facilities and other pipe lines which do not involve any new streets or easements of access.
  3. The conveyance of land for highway or other public purposes to be dedicated to the public for public use.
  4. The conveyance of land owned by a railroad or any public facility which does not involve any new streets or easements of access.
  5. Conveyances made to correct descriptions in prior conveyances.
  6. Parcels of land existing today as it did on or prior to July 17, 1959, can convey one division of any acreage not involving any new streets or easements of acres.
  7. Parcels of a land existing today as it did on or prior to October 1, 1973, can convey one division of land less than 5.00 acres. This division must be surveyed by an Illinois Registered Land Surveyor and a drawing of the survey must be attached to the deed for approval and recording.
  8. Parcels of land that have a descriptive roadway easement recorded in a St. Clair County Office prior to August, 1984, running through the parcel and/or along the parcel's boundary line can convey divisions of 5.00 acres or more off of the easement. The new division(s) and the remaining portion of original tract must have 50 feet of frontage on the easement.
  9. Conveyances of land for cemetery  use.
  10. Conveyances pursuant to law or court order.
Department Info
County Seal
Anne Markezich


Mapping & Platting

#10 Public Square
Belleville, Il 62220

Business Hours:
M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm

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