Who does WIOA help?
- WIOA helps people access free information and orientation to the local labor market.
- WIOA helps dislocated workers return to productivity, often at wages similar to what the workers earned prior to their layoffs.
- WIOA helps young people get ready for work and careers by providing the basic education, work readiness, work experience and job skills they need.
- WIOA helps unemployed or untrained workers receive skills through job training that will help those individuals succeed in the job market.
How does WIOA help?
Core Services (with no eligibility requirements)
- Job search and placement assistance
- Employment statistics information
- Training provider performance and training cost information
- Initial assessment
- Eligibility determination
- Unemployment Insurance claims filing information
- Information about support services
Intensive Services
Intensive services are available for unemployed individuals who have been unable to obtain jobs through core services and/or those who are employed but need additional services to reach self-sufficiency. Intensive Services includes a comprehensive assessment, developing an individual employment plan, relocation assistance and job search assistance.
Training Services
Training Services are available for those who meet intensive services eligibility, have used those services and need additional help to find employment that leads to self-sufficiency. Those services include occupational classroom training, vocational retraining, remedial training and on-the-job training.